The skirt ended up not being too difficult. The only modification that was made here was the orange trimming on Daisy's dress. She has a double orange trim ruffle at the very bottom of her dress and a few inches above the bottom. Therefore, we had to add the extra trim a few inches above the bottom. How we sewed the bottom trim was the same for the top trim.
(Click on picture for a better close up)
First we hemmed the bottom part of each orange trim for the neat finish. Then we turned the trim upside down and sewed it to the yellow fabric. (see top trim for example) Then we folded it back over so the shinny side was showing and ironed it down for easy sewing. Then we sewed over the fold again to complete the trim. (see bottom trim for finished example.) Do this to both trims. This basically will let them flow with the dress or even stick out a little bit like they do in the reference picture.
One finished skirt panel with both orange trims sewed in place. You will have to do this 3 times total for the complete skirt.
Now, I will admit, lining up the trims were very, very difficult. My suggestion is just do your best. When it's all together and gathered up it ends up working out. I did have a part that was very off on one side but when I held up the final product it didn't looked messed up at all. I actually looked almost perfect. I was surprised.
The three finished panels lined up. As you can see it is not perfect, but pretty darn close.
After you have all 3 panels completed with their orange trims, the next step is the sewing of the panels together. Obviously, follow the directions of your patterns. However, when it comes to lining up, focus on lining up the orange trims as best as you can. You'll have a lot of give at the top so if it is a little off it is alright. You want the trims to be lined up as best as you can so it all flows.
All 3 panels sewed together. As you can see the skirt is HUGE! I am a big person and was surprised at how big this skirt is. But it will be gathered at the top and will look great. When I held it up to me as best as I can it looks awesome.
Side note: If you wanted to make her dress more poofy then I suggest a hoop skirt to have underneath it or any other device that will expand the fabric. I wanted this project to be more cost efficient then buying a Spirit costume for $50 to $60 for it to not fit me. So I decided against the hoop skirt. But it can definitely be used for this.
Final skirt. I pulled in it and gathered it at the top to make it more realistic of what it would look like on. Again, it looks amazing. I can't believe this is going so well. ^_^